Welcome to the Unriveted Podcast, where we dial in on technology and the intersections of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and people. Additionally we will cover topics supportive of our respective technical expertise, Data Engineering, Software Engineering, Cloud Services, Observability, Explainability, and Startups... and the Entrepreneur Experience.
The Unriveted Team:
Martin Miller & John Sukup
Connect with us on LinkedIn:
Digital Transformation is Not Just Another IT Initiative (Part 2 of 4)
Digital Transformation, Part 2 of 4: NINJA-ITi
We dial in on our 2nd episode in digital transformation, ‘No, it’s Not Just Another Information Technology initiative!,’ or, ‘N-I-N-J–A-I-T’...’I’
#digitaltransformation #ai #dataengineeringessentials